Zimbabwe Newspapers (1980) Limited (ZIMP.zw) 2019 Abridged Report

By Published On: April 3, 2019TYPE: Abridged ReportsYear: 2019Period: Country: ZimbabweSector: Printing & Publishing

Zimbabwe Newspapers (1980) Limited (ZIMP.zw) listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange under the Printing & Publishing sector has released its 2019 abridged results.

For more information about Zimbabwe Newspapers (1980) Limited (ZIMP.zw) reports, abridged reports, interim earnings results and earnings presentations, visit the Zimbabwe Newspapers (1980) Limited (ZIMP.zw) company page on AfricanFinancials.

Document: Zimbabwe Newspapers (1980) Limited (ZIMP.zw)  2019 abridged results.

Company Profile

Zimbabwe Newspapers (1980) Limited is the oldest publishing house and commercial printer in Zimbabwe with interests in print media, broadcasting and digital publishing. Known as ZimPapers, the company is the proprietor of Zimbabwe’s leading national and regional newspapers which includes nine newspaper titles, two magazines and one regional newspaper which is a joint venture with a Namibian publisher. Well-known newspapers in its product offering include The Herald, Chronicle, H-Metro and The Manica Post, aswell as two Sunday newspapers; The Sunday Mail and The Sunday News. Zimbabwe Newspapers has ventured into magazine and digital publishing with BH24 which is a prime daily business bulletin targeted at top business executives; and ZimTravel covers tourism in Zimbabwe and the rest of Africa. A corporate printing division produces books, labels, security documents, diaries and calendars, and an origination service. Zimbabwe Newspapers (1980) Limited is listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange